Friday, August 28, 2015

Mojo is a Process, Not a Destination

Nothing stays the same.  Ever.

That's the best news ever if you're going through hell, and scary news when you're riding high and rockin' all the Mojo in the world.

Your dreams and happiness are not a destination.  It's a process.

Really take that in for a minute.  The process of things being good, shitty, okay, tolerable, lame, aMAZING....each moment IS the destination.  If you want to be happy, and the moment you're standing in right now IS the destination, what is that saying about your quality of life?

This is the moment that defines you.  You're not perfect, you've made choices you may not be proud of, but you made the best choice for you in that moment.  No need to judge it. 

All you can do is make the best choice for you in each moment.  Make the choice your Higher Self advocates.  It is all perfection anyway, so you can't screw it up!  Your judgements about it might say otherwise, but that's looking at it with a limited view.

God's view is bigger than that.  YOU are bigger than that.  You are not your choices.  You are not your mistakes.  You are not what you do, your personality, nor are you defined by your behavior.

You are Soul essence, you are Divinity, you are the very life Source that is God.

So stop beating yourself up because you think things should have played out differently.  You're playing small if you're doing this.  DECIDE to feel good right now.

Mojo is a choice.  It's dropping the BS that limits you and has you playing small.  It's embracing your imperfect perfection, your playfulness, and honoring what makes you happy; even the little things.

So today, make a decision to do something kind for yourself.  Offer kind words, acknowledge your efforts in what you do, move more, be kind to your body.

Mojo Magic is in full effect Lovers.  xo

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