Thursday, September 25, 2014

Honoring My Preferences

When I first learned about honoring my preferences, I immediately thought of the hundreds of times I said, "I don't care" when asked for my opinion or preference of something.  I though I was being easy going and agreeable.  I had no idea I had been shutting myself down before the game even started.

Fast forward a decade or so.

I recently heard myself explaining that I prefer to go to the gym and meditate in the mornings, and that if I miss my window of opportunity the whole thing gets shut down.

No early morning workout to me equaled no working out.

Don't get me wrong....I like getting up early to get things done, but I have a baby girl who wakes up every time I take two steps away from the bed no matter what time it is.  There is also one car that has to shuttle around this family of four, so the logistics get complicated.  It just adds to the long list of legitimate excuses.

In other words, my preference became an excuse.

In each given moment, with every breath we take....we have choices.  All choices boil down to Love or Fear.  Do or Don't.  Life or Death.  Sounds drastic, but take away all the fluffy words and that's what you get. 

It has taken me years to "get" this, and I'm sad that I have been so narrow in my thinking.  I apologize to my body for not taking better care.  This fabulous body of mine deserves much better.  So here is my public pat on the back for finding my way to the gym six or seven times in the past two weeks, regardless of the time.  Middle of the day?  Yup.  Middle of the night?  Yup.

I even braved taking my two year old to the kids club and we both survived.  Relief!

So yes, I honor my preferences. If I get an opportunity to go in the morning, I take it.  But rather than having a preference to work out in the morning/not at all, I prefer to work out (period!) over sitting on my ass 24/7. 

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