If you've been following my work for some time, you probably noticed my business has had a make-over.
I'm so excited to be taking my varying skills, talents, and passions...and rolling them into my Mojo Magic Mentor program.
I have big dreams about where this is going....ideas for others programs, things like that. But instead of "burning my candle at both ends" as my mother so kindly put it...I'm unveiling things one at a time.
For me, that's growth....and realistic for my busy life.
I'm not abandoning health at all. In fact, Mojo is all things that make you feel sexy and alive, and health is a cornerstone for that. So this blog is dedicated to all things mojo. From recipes, to dance moves, sex positions...whatever brings a smile to your face. It's here for you!
I ask for your love, your support... send all the positive vibes you want. I happily receive them.
Much Love and Mojo!